my work investigates the human capacity for
Living a life of joy is what many of us intend for ourselves,
but the truth is, our capacity to celebrate, embody, and align with our most honest and expansive joy directly correlates to our capability to survive and transform our deepest pain and trauma.
Acknowledging, expressing, and honoring the darker parts of ourselves is the key to inviting and experiencing more joy in our lives. Yoga is the best way I’ve found to experience and facilitate this integration. Creating space and acceptance for the full spectrum of our humanity is at the heart of my work as both a yoga teacher and an artist.
Finding balance between opposing parts of ourselves can feel challenging, but I like to think of it as exhilarating, empowering, and if you want it to be, absolutely hilarious!
Authentic joy is not the absence of suffering, but rather, the freedom that is found in choosing to dance, laugh, play, and love in the midst of our human discontent.
My yoga classes, tarot readings, and art are grounded in the intention to celebrate your human joy, celebrate your human suffering, and realize that both are essential to understanding the miracle of you.